Idram as Ayb's partner for contests

On January 16, Idram and "Ayb" educational foundation signed a memorandum on cooperation. Idram will support the mass contests of "Ayb" in which schoolchildren participate throughout the territory of the republic, as well as in the Diaspora and Artsakh.
Idram together with "Ayb" is going to organize joint courses dedicated to financial literacy, of which the company's new Idram Junior application will become an integral part. Idram Junior is an app for kids aged 8-16, which is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to manage cashless money in their pocket, and allows parents to monitor their kids' financial activities.
The start of cooperation between Idram and "Ayb" is given. "Bee 2022" competition was the first in this series. On December 26 and 27, thousands of 3rd-12th grade children from RA and Artsakh took part in the world's largest Armenian school competition, about 7,800 registered participants.
According to Sona Koshetsyan, executive director of the "Ayb" educational foundation, it is very gratifying that a large organization like Idram has joined the "Meghu" competition in Armenian. "It is appreciated that cooperation with Idram will not be limited to this and within the framework of various competitions of "Ayb" together with our partners it will be possible not only to increase interest in school subjects, but also to develop financial literacy skills from an early age."
According to Idram director Arsene Kdenyan, it is a great honor for the company to become a partner of exclusive educational competitions. "We hope that the scope of cooperation will expand even further in the future. As for Idram Junior, we can say that we are sure that young people will study the application with great interest," says Arsene Kdenyan.
The companies are sure that the school youth will only benefit from this cooperation by getting additional educational platforms.