Ucom offers social media users to take part in #ՄիՍպասիր challenge and get gifts

Until February 18, 2023 all Facebook, Instagram and TikTok users aged 16+ have the opportunity to take part in Ucom’s #ՄիՍպասիր challenge and win an iPhone 14 (I place), a Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro smartphone (places II-VI), an Instax mini 11 camera (places VII-X) or an Apple Watch SE as a special prize.
The challenge participants should prepare a publication in the form of the social media reels, photos, memes or any other format, where the famous "Մի՛ սպասիր" phrase from the Ucom's commercial will be used in a humorous and creative way, in any situation. Then the publication should be posted in an open access on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok, and it should be made sure the #ՄիՍպասիր hashtag is mentioned.
Ucom's jury will announce the 10 winners 3 days after the end of the challenge, while having chosen the publications that stand out for the originality of the idea, humor and implementation. Moreover, the participant with the most "Likes" from all 3 social networks will get a special prize of the Apple Watch SE.
Let us add that the conditions and other details of the #ՄիՍպասիր challenge by Ucom are presented here.