Global Finance: Converse Bank is Armenia's leading bank in Trade Finance

Converse Bank wins ‘Best Trade Finance Provider’ award by Global Finance, maintaining its leading position in this field in Armenia.
On 25th January, Converse Bank’s Chief Financial Officer Grant Akopian attended the BAFT 2023 Europe Bank to Bank Forum in London, where he received a prestigious award in trade finance.
"Trade finance has seen steady growth over the past year due to automation and the use of innovative technologies" said Global Finance’s Publisher and President Joseph D. Giarraputo, adding that the banks which have received awards are the leaders in their countries as to the products and services offered.
Expressing gratitude, Converse Bank's Chief Financial Officer said: "It is a great honour for us to, once again, receive Global Finance’s ‘Best Trade Finance Provider’ award. The award confirms our flexibility of business and the effectiveness of the steps we have taken in trade finance. Today, Converse Bank uses a wide range of trade finance tools from lending to complex financing schemes to international refinancing funds, while guaranteeing high quality service. Our efforts to expand our services shall be continuous.
Global Finance is an international financial magazine, which was founded in 1987. It is published monthly and has a circulation of 50,050 copies and is distributed in about 200 countries around the world. According to Global Finance, Converse Bank was the leader in trade finance in Armenia in 2019 and 2021 too.
Converse Bank is overseen by Central Bank of Armenia.