AMD 3,389,788 for the project to reveal the professional potential of war participants. The next beneficiary of "The Power of One Dram" is the "Path of Life" NGO

The Power of One Dram will be directed to the treatment of children with
epilepsy in May. Beneficiary "Path of Life" NGO provides children with epilepsy
with diagnosis, medication and necessary treatment.
According to the director of Idram Arsene Kdenian, children are always in the center of
attention of Idram and IDBank. “We regularly pay attention not only to children's educational
programs, but also actively support foundations that deal with children's health. Since the
launch of The Power of One Dram program, we have allocated more than 48 million drams for
this direction, because we are doing everything possible to have healthy children, a healthy
society and a healthy future,” said Arsene Kdenian.
According to the director of the "Road of Life" public organization Elena Baghdasaryan,
the funds of The Power of One Dram initiative in May will be used to treat children with
epilepsy and other complex nervous diseases and to provide them with the necessary
diagnostic tests (MRI, EEG, PET-CT ) and modern medicines. “Thanks to this invaluable
support, our foundation also got the opportunity to implement long-awaited projects and planned
events,” said Elena Baghdasaryan.
The amount of AMD 3,389,788 for April was directed to the program to reveal the
professional potential of war participants, which helps military personnel who were injured
during the war, living in the regions of Armenia, to obtain the necessary knowledge and use
them in order to make their dreams come true.
The Power of One Dram continues operating. Each user who pays using the
Idram&IDBank application,, Internet platforms and terminals of both
companies becomes a goodwill ambassador without spending a single AMD. Companies
believe that every payment is an investment in a good cause. If you want to know how much
your investment is worth, just log in to the IdramIDBank application, tap on “More” section, The
Power of One Dram subsection.