This is a betrayal towards Armenia! This document does not express the collective will of Armenians. Anna Kostanyan

This document does not express the collective will of Armenians!
Pashinyan joined the quadripartite statement between President Michel of the Council of the European Union, President Macron of France & Chancellor Scholz of Germany, according to which Armenian & Azerbaijan must mutually recognize the sovereignty, inviolability of borders and territorial integrity of Armenia (29.800 km2) & Azerbaijan (86.600 km2).
Pashinyan DOES NOT EXPRESS THE WILL of the Armenian nation and the citizens of the Republic of Armenia. He had only 650,000 votes from the citizens of RA in 2021. Armenia has a population of about 2,5 million (2,591.316). His public support has been eroded since 2021, and the proof of this was the last Yerevan council elections, where his candidate received only 75, 494 votes among 824,250 to be elected as a mayor of Yerevan.
This is a betrayal towards Armenia! This document does not express the collective will of Armenians!