More and more smiles in the city. 'Kentron' branch of AMIO BANK was reopened

More and more smiles in the city. 'Kentron' branch of AMIO BANK was reopened.
“This is the 10 th branch in number we are opening today, and as we promised, the branch presents not only a visual
change, but meets the customers’ requirements. Customers will spend less time in the branch making transactions
fast and with minimum document requirements”, stated the Chairman of the Executive Board Gevorg Tarumyan.
On the opening day of the branch, all customers received Amio Visa Gold cards worth AMD 10,000 for free, as well
as cards can be purchased at half price until May 6 inclusive.
The 10 th branch 'Kentron' is the first in the list of Amio Bank’s branches, which has a special VIP customer service
center as well as a self-service zone with 24/7 access where almost most of the banking transactions can be done by