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Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine has invested more than 5 billion AMD in social development projects in 2023

Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine has invested more than 5 billion AMD in social development projects in 2023
In 2023, "ZCMC" CJSC and "ZCMC" Charitable Fund have invested more than 5 billion AMD in the field of social support. Investments were directed to a number of strategic directions, including:
Sector: Investment, AMD
✓ Subvetion programs about 700 million
✓ Social support more than 1.5 billion
✓ Healthcare more than 500 million
✓ Social infrastructures more than 300 million
✓ Support for education about 300 million
✓ Support for sports about 600 million
✓ Assistance to families of war victims more than 100 million
✓ Support for art, culture about 100 million
✓ Charitable funds more than 500 million
✓ Support to other State projects more than 600 million
The funds were directed to the needs of Kapan and Kajaran communities, as well as to the needs of Syunik region and other national social projects, including:
• Subvetion programs aimed at supporting local self-government structures to implement large-scale infrastructure projects in Kapan and Kajaran communities
• Social assistance programs that involve helping individuals or families meet their social needs
• Healthcare investments made to local medical institutions, as well as in the form of individual support
• Support was provided to charitable funds to implement programs for various vulnerable groups, disability, elderly care, etc. Only in 2023, 32 charitable organizations received support from ZCMC. 56% of the resources allocated to this sector were directed to the implementation of joint or coordinated programs with the ZCMC , and 44% to the financial support to the foundations, to continue their activities.
The money invested in the educational sector includes the tuition fees of 1112 students who are family members of ZCMC employees in about two dozen specialties. In addition, ZCMC monitors the progress of students and, depending on the grades, pays part of the fees, encouraging students to show progress in studies.
Investments also include a number of other fields. for example, "ZCMC" CJSC took care of Syunik airport (566,765,828 AMD), the trade union (105,298,500 AMD) and other expenses.
The geography of social investments .
• Syunik region (Kajaran, Kapan communities and other regional programs) - more than 4 billion AMD
• Various projects in other regions - more than 1.2 billion AMD